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Work Permits


All employers and/or organizations wishing to employ foreign nationals, or permanent residency holders, to work in Grenada, must comply with and provide proof of compliance, with all relevant employment and immigration laws in Grenada. Evidence of compliance include, but is not limited to:

  1. Ensuring Work Permits are provided to all foreign national employees;
  2. Complying with all mandatory terms and conditions in employment agreements, ensuring deductions are reasonable and adhering to all minimum standards within the employment legislation;
  3. Meeting all holidays and special leave requirements and all other provisions, required under the Labour Code, paying employees, no less than the appropriate statutory minimum wage or other contracted industry standard; in addition, meeting minimum statutory criteria, such as making deduction and remittances, to the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and complying with health and safety obligations, taxes, etc.
  4. Notifying the Minister, within 14 days, of any changes in circumstances affecting the accuracy of information submitted, with the application, so same can be corrected in the records of the Ministry;
  5. Submission of Documents in the Prescribed Manner: Employers are required to obtain and submit documents as stipulated in the Regulations (SRO24/2017). This includes ensuring that all supporting documents, submitted with applications, are in English.
  6. Ensuring that applicant is proficient or able to communicate in the English language, to enable the sharing of knowledge and community participation;
  7. Ensuring that Work Permits are returned to the Ministry at the conclusion of the employee’s employment. Additionally, Work Permits must be returned under the following circumstances:
    1. The Work Permit is cancelled by the Minister; where a Work Permit was granted, and it is later found that false or misleading information was given as part of the Work Permit application;
    2. The employee is terminated;
    3. The Work Permit has expired;
  8. Employers can only apply for Work Permits for foreign national employees of their own companies – he/she cannot act as an Agent, to obtain Work Permits for employees of other organisations.

Employers may consider keeping a register of foreign national workers, in their employment in order to facilitate Returns and annual reporting.

New Applications

SRO24/2017 outlines the requirements for new applicants as follows:

  1. Completed application, on the prescribed form, in duplicates, with company stamp affixed (Annex 1);
  2. Copy of applicant’s Passport Bio-data page and page showing details of the last date of arrival/extension to Grenada, where applicable;
  3. Two (2) passport-size photos, with applicants’ names written in (block letters), on the back;
  4. Letter of application for a Work Permit from employer for a foreign national, addressed to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour;
  5. Police Record/Clearance must be ORIGINAL, from country of residence for the preceding six(6) months;
  6. Notarized copies of certificates of qualification: all certifications of qualification, submitted as part of Work Permit applications, must be notarized, “as true and correct”, by a Justice of the Peace or other Notary Public, to demonstrate that the foreign national has the formal qualifications (skills and job experience) to do the job, for which the Work Permit is being sought;
  7. Two (2) letters of professional references, from previous employers or reputable citizen (if no previous employer);
  8. Copy of Proof of Finance/Bank Statement of sufficient funds, from reputable banks/financial institutions from the Employer, sponsoring entity or foreign national, if self-employed;
  9. Copy of Business Incorporation;
  10. Tax obligation status from the Inland Revenue Division;
  11. Certificate of Compliance/Registration from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS);
  12. Professional Registration – Medical and Dental Practitioners
    1. Doctors and Dental Practitioners – registration with The Grenada Medical and Dental Council;
    2. Medical Technicians – registration with Allied Health, Ministry of Health.

Please note:

  • All supporting documents, submitted with applications MUST be in English.
  • All documents which are not in English must be accompanied by a translation, into English. The translation must be accompanied by a statement in English, from the translator setting out:
    • The translator’s full name, address and occupation;
    • The translator’s qualifications;
    • A statement that the translation is true and correct;

Work Permit applications for foreign nationals will not be processed, unless written proof of registration is provided.


Requirements for Renewal

  1. Application must be submitted three (3) months prior to the expiration date of current Work Permit; a fine will be imposed for late applications for renewals;
  2. Submission of completed application form in duplicate, with Company’s or employer’s stamp affixed;
  3. Previous Work Permit/Exemption Certificate (original);
  4. Cover letter from employer;
  5. Two (2) passport-size photos;
  6. Copy of applicant’s Passport Bio-data page, along with the details of the last date of arrival or extension (if any) in Grenada;
  7. Certificate of Tax Compliance from the Inland Revenue Division;
  8. Certificate of Compliance/Registration from the National Insurance Scheme.


Application Fee

$ 100

Work Permit Fee

$ 1000
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • Montserrat
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Cuba

Work Permit Fee

$ 3000
  • Commonwealth
  • North America
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union

Work Permit Fee

$ 5000
  • Others

Replacement of Work Permits

$ 100

Late Submission Penatly

$ 100

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